Cathy Cousineau
Assessor, MMAO
Monday – Friday
8:30a – 4:30p
Phone: 734-241-8001
Fax: 734-457-9106
It is the goal of the Monroe Charter Township Assessor’s office to perform our duties professionally, equitably and accurately in accordance with all Michigan statutory regulations and rules. Our office identifies and assesses all real and personal property located within the jurisdiction of the Township annually.
Physical inspection of properties are also conducted in the Township that involves measuring the structures and land improvements of the property, verifying with the owner (when possible) interior information about the property, taking digital photos, verifying the land description and entering all data in the computer. It is the recommendation of the Michigan State Tax Commission to annually inspect 20% of properties within each class of property assessed (Agricultural, Commercial, Residential and Industrial).
The office also processes all property transfers and principal residence exemption affidavits. To help maintain accurate taxpayer of record information, a Property Transfer Affidavit needs to be filed. This affidavit needs to be filed within 45 days of a transfer, even if you are not recording a deed.