Supervisor's Office
Lori Monday
(734) 241-5501
Alan Barron
Monroe Charter Township Mission
Monroe Charter Township's mission is for its team of elected officials, appointed officials, employees and volunteers to provide services, to make decisions which promote and protect our citizens, businesses and visitor's health, safety and welfare; to preserve the spirit of democracy and community, while committing ourselves to improving the quality of life in Monroe Charter Township.
Supervisor Responsibilities
The Supervisor's office is responsible for the overall operations and maintenance of the Township. The Supervisor is the Personnel Director, responsible for employee and personnel matters.
The Supervisor is the moderator of all Township Board meetings as well as setting the meetings agenda with the input of other departments and Board members. The Supervisor recommends appointments to different committees and commissions, with Board approval. Currently the Supervisor also serves as a member of the following: Freedom of Information Administrator, Personnel Committee, Monroe Metropolitan Waste Water Control Board, Parks and Recreation Committee, Custer Baseball/Softball Board of Directors, Ordinance Committee, Citizens Advisory Committee, delegate to SEMCOG, Chairperson of the Michigan Township Association, Monroe County Chapter, and a member of the Monroe County Community College Foundation Board.
The Supervisor's office acts as the liaison between Monroe Charter Township and other municipalities in working to benefit all of Monroe County.
The Supervisor is considered the chief assessing officer and secretary of the Board of Review. Monroe Charter Township has two certified assessors under the direction of the Supervisor.
On a daily basis, the Supervisor is responsible to see that all laws and township ordinances are enforced, and to be available to residents to address their concerns, plans, problems, complaints or questions on Township matters.